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Alzheimer’s disease: Causes, Symptoms and Cure

There is one thing that is always true for humans, we grow up to a certain point, and then we start degenerating. It is not cutesy like Benjamin Buttons either; it is an expected degeneration of cognitive functions and some basic reasoning. It is always expected, it always happens after a certain age, and it is always a pain to deal with.

One of such diseases it dementia, and one of the most common forms of dementia is the Alzheimer’s disease. This neurodegenerative ailment starts with some simple forgetfulness and then tends to accelerate straight towards urinal and faecal incontinence. It is because Alzheimer’s is a basic term for the dying brain cells. Let us tabulate these facts in a table.

  • The start - It starts with simple episodes of forgetfulness.

  • The accelerated degeneration - With time, it deteriorates, as these forgetful episodes get longer by the day and start turning towards full cognitive breakdown.

  • The complete dependency - Near-complete cognitive breakdown, it is the stage where the patient requires a full time aid dealing with the condition.

Alzheimer’s or any other mental disability is a social disease, for it only harms the cognitive functions of the body, it also causes and the social life deterioration is imminent.

But enough about this; let us dive deep into its symptoms so that it can be managed at its earliest onset.

Now, as already establishes, the cognitive and behavioural decline is the most common of its symptoms. However, you can categorize them to understand them a bit better:

Forgetfulness and difficulty in grasping new information.

  • It can be a short-term memory loss where the patient repeatedly asks the same question.

  • Forgetting certain events

  • Frequent lapses in memory.

  • At times, even the muscle memory won’t be able to manage.

Inability to engage in a complex task:

  • As the mind is not able to grasp new ideas, complex tasks cannot be performed.

  • The patient is not able to use even the simplest of the tools.

Impaired verbal communication:

  • Conversational disability causes difficulty in bringing up even the simplest words for communication.

  • Not being able to understand the mistakes.

Behavioural Changes:

  • Constant irritation.

  • Obsessive and compulsive behaviour.

  • Changes to a person’s mood and other faculties.

Inability to remember faces, sounds or any other pictorial or audio information:

  • When the Alzheimer’s move on to the later stages, it becomes difficult for a patient to remember faces.

  • The trouble with orientation.

To get the gist of it, you can say that a person can lose the control of the voluntary faculties because of this form of dementia. There is not much point in discussing the causes of this disease as with age come degeneracy and all of the neurological issues become quite expected. Now, as for the treatment, there are options in the both medicinal and preventive approach

  1. Preventive approach: if you are able to capture the initial signs of the disease, you will be able to get a better handle on it and to that end, can make sure that it doesn’t get a chance to accelerate towards the later stages. Back in 2016, the publisher came to a conclusion that a change in a person’s sense of humour might be counted as an early sign of Alzheimer’s. Yes, it does sound a bit far-fetched! Therefore, you should also take into account all the age factors before your alarms go off.

  2. The drug and acceptance approach: All the preventive approach does is get a better initial handle on the neurological disorder. However, to get this handle, you will need inhibitors, antidepressants, antipsychotics and a bunch of other drugs.

Unfortunately, there has been no substantial cure for this disease. However, there are ways to live with this neurological disorder while managing its symptoms:

  • Support groups.

  • Regular management of the condition.

  • Engaging in activities.

If you want all of this treatment in the best way possible, you can get access to the best neurology hospitals in India. The staff combined with optimal social arrangements is sure to ease the issues of this disease.

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