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Things you must know about Breast Cancer

Cancer is a condition wherein abnormal cells grow in any part of the body. When these abnormal cells grow in breast tissue the condition is known as Breast cancer. These abnormal cells usually cluster together to form a tumor. One of the major risks is that the abnormal cells produced spread to other parts of the breast and to other areas of the body through the bloodstream or lymphatic system. To diagnose the breast cancer the techniques like mammography, ultrasound testing, and biopsy are usually used.


There are no definite causes of this cancer but after a research, it is found that certain factors can contribute to the formulation of this disorder. Below we have listed out most common causes of this disease-

Age and gender

It is a misconception of people that chest cancer only occurs in females as both men and women are at a risk of developing breast cancer. However, the woman who is above the age 40 is more prone to develop this tumor rather than younger women.

Close family history

If any close blood relative of the person is suffering from blood cancer then he is at a greater risk of developing the disease than others. Specifically, in case the mom, sister, or daughter of a woman is suffering from breast cancer then the risk of developing this disorder in a woman is double.


A person with the defective gene is at a greater risk of developing this cancer. However having these genes doesn’t mean you will get chest cancer, but just the risk is greater.

Changes in breast

The women who have the history of dense breasts or the lumps here are at greater risk of developing breast cancer than women who do not have these conditions.


The elongated menstrual period i.e. starting of early menstrual periods and late menopause is often associated with the risk of getting breast cancer. Moreover, the use of hormone therapy and the birth control pills have been linked to a small increase in breast cancer risk compared with women who never used hormonal contraception.


The chances of developing this disease in the women who are overweight or obese after menopause are very bright as compared to others. Moreover, the excess weight boosts blood levels of insulin, which may affect breast cancer risk.

Alcohol consumption

The risk of developing this disorder increases significantly in a woman who consumes more alcoholic beverages a day than non-drinkers. Moreover, intake of alcohol on regular increases the risk of several other cancers also.

Radiation exposure

Any woman who has received chest radiation for another disease as a child or young adult is at the greater risk of developing this disease than others.

Pregnancy history

If a woman does not have a child or she had her first child after age 30 this may increase her risk of chest cancer.

Symptoms of breast cancer

Some of the symptoms of breast cancer may just develop due to the normal breast changes. However, sometimes it can be a sign of the serious medical condition. Below we have listed out the five most common signs and symptoms of breast cancer in women-

  • The change in size and shape of the breast can be a symptom of this tumor.

  • Moreover, in case there is a lump or area that feels thicker than the rest of the breast.

  • If there is a change in skin texture such as puckering or dimpling.

  • Redness or rash on the skin and/or around the nipple. Further, in case your nipple has become pulled in or there is the change in its position or shape.

  • A liquid coming from the nipple without squeezing them.

  • Pain in the chest or your armpit that’s there almost all of the time. Moreover, a swelling in your armpit or around your collarbone can be a symptom.


Being proactive about the various indicators of breast cancer and trying to prevent it can help the person to diagnose this life-threatening disorder at an early stage only and thus help in getting better treatment.

Now you can get the optimum level of treatment at the best breast cancer hospital in India with the help of Healboat

We hope you find this blog on “Breast cancer” useful. Make sure to share this blog with your loved ones to make aware of this chronic condition. For any suggestions or queries feel free to comment in the comment box provided below.

Read more about Cancer: - Common Type of Vulvar Cancer

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